Tuesday 4 December 2012

Get Well Soon, Bri!

Hello my Dears!!

As I didn't think you'd have known already, Brian May is in hospital, recovering from a knee operation that took place earlier this morning. Here is a picture of him I found on Twitter. Enjoy! Mx

Sunday 11 November 2012

Roger Taylor Roger Taylor!

John Keeble. Topper Headon. Roger Andrew Taylor. They're drummers I like, and they're more or less modern, but for god sakes, aren't we forgetting someone? His name's Roger Meddows Taylor, and he's from QUEEN! Surely you should know who he is!

People get confused with both Rogers. Here are two pics which you should be able to see the difference between!

Have a nice weekend!

Deaky x

P.S Apologies if you see Gary Kemp + Nick Rhodes in my photo of Queen's Roger. This was the only nice and formal photo I had of him! Well, friends will be friends right till the end they say, and most of the time, I'll agree with that statement.

Thursday 1 November 2012

Drawing Queen (and other music!!)

As you can see here, this is what I've been spending my time doing, rather than being the deluded bitch I am on Facebook and Twitter. I've already sent three drawings of musicians to the people they resemble, and so far, I've received quite good positive feedback from all of them. Will probably send this to Brian, and the official Queen Twitter when done, or probably email it to his soapbox (Brian's) on the website, and see what feedback comes up. I'll post the completed one when done, and see how many pageviews I get on it. 

See you soon

Deaky x

Wednesday 31 October 2012


Hello Queenies.

This may be one of the last times I update this, as I've just been told to 'come back to Earth', and find a psychiatrist! Well, I think it's mainly for the best, as everyday it's Brian May this, and John Deacon that. Even my parents think I live in a fantasy land. Well, mainly that's the point that they're worried about right now. Someone on Facebook gave me a rollocking over this too, saying that I should find a psychiatrist, I'm turning out to be who I'm not supposed to be, and I could get someone into serious trouble. For what we know, what I said about Steve Norman (the percussion player from Spandau Ballet) could be in trouble. 

Sorry for the disillusion. It's just that I said to someone "Oh, he's the most horrible, nasty man on Earth", and another fan freaked over this. And this is where I am right now. It seems my passion for 80's bands has finally taken it's toll on me, and the side effects, such as disillusion had taken it's toll. 

So, I'll go, but I'll never forget some of you, and specially not Spandau bass player Martin Kemp, who follows me on Twitter.

Bye for now, I may come back, one day, when I'm hopefully cured.

Megan x

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween Queenies, what are you going to go as this year? Rogerina, Briana, Freddie, or even slightly mad? Here's a few ideas!! If you can make Gary Kemp shocked (third picture) he's bound to follow you on Twitter!!

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Maylor Monday (belated!!)

Hi Queenies!! Here's to a happy Maylor Monday!! Sorry it's late, I'm not usually like this, but I was so busy yesterday compiling my John Deacon post I completely forgot it was the day!! So, here it is today. Some of you may consider it explicit, but I don't, as long as their orgasms are covered up, it's okay!!

Have a good evening!!!

Deaky x

Monday 29 October 2012

John Deacon - Where Is He Now?

After the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert in 1992, the band split off, as Brian May and Roger Taylor went off in to solo careers. But what could be said for bassist John Deacon? Hanging round for a bit in 1993, he then took off and retired so he could be a full time dad, as wife Veronica was expecting that year.  He promised Brian and Roger he'd come back one day, with the quote "I won't do go to another band". But after many years, he failed to show up, hiding his presence somewhere in London, incognito from all the Queenies that had once loved him.  

But later John issued a statement, completely defying all odds.

"Freddie Mercury will never be replaced, certainly not by HIM".

But who was this HIM? It was Robbie Williams, no surprises there. 

Many new photos of John were issued to the press in 2004, confirming sightings. I'll see if I can go more recent, possibly 2011!!

This was probably one of the last ones of Deaky we
would see, taken in 1991.
This was rumoured to have been taken in

Taken at a pub in West London, 2004.

After investigating, it turned out to be another role playing account. Stupid gullible me. 

Sunday 28 October 2012

Brian May Pics

Before I finally get chance to drift off and not listen to my annoying little brother, I thought I'd post some more of my favourite photos of Brian.

This is definitely good night.
Deaky x

My 1st day: Completed!!

It's my first day on this blog server and according to my blog statistics, I've had 11 views so far. Thanks to those anonymous people. I hope they're Queenies and not people who are here to spam me. Tomorrow I'll post even more Brian May stuff. And to say goodnight, here's a photo of Brian from 1974.

Goodnight and take care!!

Deaky x

Brian's Dear Friend: The Fox

The badger cull is not only the thing on Bri's mind at the moment. Being an avid wild animal lover, he opens his garden to all sorts of wildlife, such as badgers, squirrels, common birds, and another particular character, known by others as 'pests', 'giant vermin' and many many many more. That's right, it's the fox. The popular sort known as fox hunting was banned in many places in 1985, but just now, the prime minister David Cameron is planning to re-introduce the sport...and Brian is needing your help to stop it from happening? 

Do you support Save Me?

Do you want the fox to be wiped out?

To conclude tonight's posting, I've decided to post a few photos of Bri with the animals, so you can get a grasp of how much he loves animals.

Stay tuned for more!!

Deaky x

Brian May's Save Me

What is the Save Me organisation and who founded it?

According to their website, the Save Me organisation is against the cruelty to wild animals, and providing them with a ‘voice’. Founded by ex-Queen guitarist Brian May, in 2010, he noticed that many foxes were being hunted down for their skin, to make fox-fur coats, and wild animals such as deer were being ruthlessly killed for their meat, which in some instances, is considered to be quite a delicacy, and it’s quite expensive, because this is really.  What really struck Brian’s heart is when he heard of the farmers complaining about their cows being unable to produce good enough milk, or even simply dropping down and dying, due to the badgers roaming the rural parts of the UK, with the deadly disease pathogen tuberculosis, hiding in their fur, he decided to do something about it, and this is when Save Me started up.

Once the badger has the TB disease on their bodies, and due to a recent medical study, they cannot be made immune from it.  Many farmers have decided to do a mass killing of the badgers; or in other instances a cull.  Due to being an avid animal lover, and raising hundreds for charity, Brian is currently campaigning and persuading millions of Queen Fans and animal lovers across the globe to sign a e-petition, in the hope it will persuade the PM David Cameron into not letting the badger cull commence.

Brian wearing the Official Save Me T-Shirt
Brian himself has a degree in Astrophysics, which he gained in 2007 after countless hours of studying, and his own personal interest for the subject.  Being a fanatic of wildlife, he lets all types of wildlife into his garden, as well as being a vegetarian, as he refuses to eat the meat produced from farm animals because, in his own opinion, isn’t fair that the animal’s life shouldn’t be unlawfully cut short in such a way. Knowing there may be sensitive readers reading this, I’m not going to describe how they’re killed, and well we could say ‘shot in the head and dismembered’. As well as the badgers, Save Me supports the foxes as well, as their numbers are dreadfully low, and the PM’s ridiculous plan to reintroduce the fox hunt, in which was banned in 1985.

Earlier in October, Save Me won a place in the House of Commons to debate about the badger cull, and its future. This was going to be a key point in Save Me’s career but… sadly, the badger cull campaign lost their two month running campaign, and the cull begins in November, but Brian is refusing to give up, but bold out the blue, it has been suddenly postponed. If you’re not sure of this you can follow his and his assistant’s Twitter online for more info.

How has Save Me changed the lives of others?

Campaign poster
Since its debut in 2010, the Save Me organisation has helped many species of animals from being wiped out by the PM’s ruthless and cruel plans to reintroduce the fox hunt, and badger cull.
I haven’t decided to do Save Me because I’m an obsessed Queen fan. I decided to do this, because being an animal lover and in my opinion, I think the badger cull is a barbaric and chemically unkind way to treat an animal, which has done nothing to the human in all its evolution.  But if we compare Save Me to the RSPCA, Save Me only focuses on wild animals and preventing them from being culled, whereas the RSPCA focus their work on all animals everywhere, and don’t work on government funding, on the other hand, Save Me do. The RSPCA take in stray animals and force owners to sign them over when times get tough, but Save Me, just campaign against animals being killed, so in some respects the charity is pretty much worthless.  So if there was a vote for the best charity, RSPCA would win in a landslide, whereas in other respects, Save Me.

Images – Google and the Official Save Me website: http://www.save-me.org.uk
Info – Books, Newspapers, Save Me and Brian himself  (Twitter).

Brian May Brian May!!!

Here are some photos of the Queen guitarist Brian May in which I think you may find really good. Enjoy, and stand by for more!! - Deaky

Brian in 1974, the year in which Queen were considered to be
'quite fashionable'.
Here's the logo for Brian's official site: brianmay.com
Brian with the Guild version of his famous 'Red Special,
in which he crafted in the 1970's,
 with the aid of his father, the late Harold May.
Here's Brian live in concert, 1974. If you'd been there you would have known how good his fingerwork was on the guitar!!
As we all know, Brian has a huge devotion to wild animals, and refuses to eat the meat consumed by farm animals. He's the founder of charity Save Me...(see next post)

Queen in the 1970's

When you come to think of it, Queen were more than just an 80's rock band, having two major tours and releasing a world famous song called Radio Gaga. In fact, less people knew that Queen were originally called Smile, founded in 1967/8 by college graduates Roger Meddows Taylor and Brian May, but the band wasn't really that popular. They met bassist John Deacon in 1970, and Freddie Mercury a bit after that. 

Queen's first album was called Queen, and released in 1973. By that time, people were starting to know who Queen was. My personal favourite off Queen 1 is the taster sample of the upcoming hit at the time, Seven Seas of Rhye. That individual song topped the charts in 1974, making Queen really famous. Getting together with producer Roy Thomas Baker the following year around Christmas time, Freddie Mercury said "If Bohemian Rhapsody doesn't hit the charts, that's it. We're finished.

But Mercury was proven wrong!! The six minute long song Bohemian Rhapsody came in the Top Ten that Christmas, making the video known to be one of the best mixed genre sagas the band had ever come across. Also, 1975 was the kickstart of drummer Roger Taylor's solo career, releasing a song for their album A Night at the Opera, called I'm in Love With My Car. At the end of the video, he dedicates it to the boy racer who dies, as Taylor has a good friendship with him.

Queen then went on to produce A Day at The Races, which had the hits 'Somebody to Love', 'Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy', 'Teo Torriatte (Let us cling Together)'. To support this album, the promo was held at Kempton Park in Surrey, for a proper day at the races.

The Other Albums were:
News of the World (1977) Including the hits We Will Rock You and We Are The Champions
Jazz (1978)
Live Killers (1979)

The video Save Me, released in January 1980 on the album, The Game, was the last video you would see of Mercury without a moustache. 

Queen in the 1980's coming soon.
Take care!!