As we all know, Bri has had knee troubles for quite a long time now, and earlier this month he tweeted that he was going into hospital in order to have a replacement. Most of you are probably thinking that "Hey, he's only 66! Why would a big strong man like Brian May want a knee replacement". Apparently, he has spoken to consultants about his discomfort and has gone ahead with the operation. He tweeted at 6:30am on Tuesday, 6th August that he would be going down into the operating theatre at 1:30 in the afternoon. I tweeted him: "@DrBrianMay Best of luck, x". In the evening, it got favourited. Just comes to show he cares about his fans.
Apparently the knee replacement was a success and he is making good progress, but above all, pain free. Hope to see him up and about soon!
I'll leave you with this photo of him from 1984's I Want to Break Free. He doesn't look amused one bit! But it's just a video!
Talk soon,